Rename Files

Overview | Usage | Version History | User Comments | Download


The Rename Files script renames the selected files based on a user inputted string which can contain any of the fields that iTunes tracks support (ie, title, artist, album).


The usage and interface of this script is very similar to that of Organize Files and is designed to be as flexible as possible while using only standard AppleScript. Please send me comments on this usage guide and how it could be made better.

The main window of script is presented as a scrolling list box. Choose the command that you wish to execute and then click the "Rename!" button. To close the window (taking no action) click the "Close" button. The top half of the window shows all of the rename options that are currently available. Selecting one of the rename strings and clicking "Rename!" (or double clicking the rename string) will apply that string to all the selected files. The bottom half of the main window (after the blank line) always shows the administrative options. The last option in the list will either hide or show the rest of the administrative options.

rf_MainWindow_Shown rf_MainWindow_Hidden

About this Script will show an about box (which is also shown the first time the script is run).

About Dialog

The "Add Rename String" action will bring up another dialog that will allow you to type in a rename string. The text string to add will default to the first item in the main window. The "Save" button will add the new string. "Go Back" will return to the main window with no changes made. The "Help" button will show a small dialog listing all of the possible tags that can be used.

rf_AddRenameString rf_RenameStringHelp

The "Edit a Rename String" action will bring up a selection dialog which lists all of the rename strings. Select the one that you wish to edit and click edit. This will bring up a dialog that will allow you to edit the rename string. (Note that this dialog is very similar to the one for adding a rename string.) The "Save" button will save the edited string, while "Go Back" will return to the main window with no changes made. The "Help" button will show a small dialog listing all of the possible tags that can be used.

rf_EditRenameStringSelect rf_EditRenameString

"Remove a Rename String" will bring up a list of all of the current rename strings. Select the one you wish to delete the click the "Delete" button. The "Go Back" button will return you to the main window without deleteing a string.

Remove Rename String Dialog

Once the renaming has finished, there are three possible events (determined by the preferences). The default is a dialog which shows the result of the renaming. Also available is a notifcation by Growl. The third option is nothing.

rf_RenameFinishedDialog rf_RenameFinishedGrowl

set showOperationFinishedMessage to thePreferences's showOperationFinishedMessage set showConfirmOperationMessage to thePreferences's showConfirmOperationMessage set SetupIsVisible to thePreferences's SetupIsVisible set renameList to thePreferences's renameList set renameString to thePreferences's renameString

Version History

1.3b9 (May 27, 2005) 1.2.1 (March 16, 2003) 1.2 (February 8, 2003) 1.1.3 (December 1, 2002) 1.1.2 (September 22, 2002 - Unreleased) 1.1.1 (June 24, 2002 - Unreleased) 1.1 (March 20, 2002)

User Comments

“RenameFiles *is* the core of my iTunes maintenance routines. Even before 1.2 it was central to the huge number of tracks I've imported from bootleg recordings and CDs.” — Mickey on 10/07/2006

You too can make comment on this script.


Files are not yet available for download. You can make a request via email.

All pages, images and downloads are ©2002-2004 by Randall Million and Plaid Cow Solutions
and subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Plaid Cow Solutions Software License (PCSSL)